Tang Soo Do-Moo Duk Kwan was founded in Korea in 1945. Translated as "a brotherhood and school of stopping inner and outer conflict and developing virtue, according to the way of the worthy hand," Tang Soo Do is a hard and soft style, meaning a combination of hard kicks and punches and soft flowing movements. Hwang Kee (1914-2002) brought together techniques from Soo Bahk Do, Tae Kyun, and Kung Fu to create the physical, mental, and spiritual art of Tang Soo Do. Unlike Tae Kwon Do which uses mostly kicks, Tang Soo Do encourages a balance of hand and foot techniques equally.
According to Grandmaster Hwang Kee:
It is not a sport. Though it is not essentially competitive, it has great combat applications. It is a classical martial art, and its purpose is to develop every aspect of the self, in order to create a mature personality who totally integrates his intellect, body, emotions, and spirit. This total integration helps to create a person who is free form inner conflict and can deal with the outside world in a mature, intelligent, forthright, and virtuous manner.
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